Notification: Social Media

Hey guys. To save time for both myself and you, I’m considering merging all my current and future comics into one account on Facebook, one on Twitter, and one on Instagram. Plus, it turns out there’s a limit on how many accounts you can have on each website.

I will keep the original accounts up until September, when Planning Periods premieres. However, between April 8th and August 31st (Winter quarter’s pretty busy, I hope to be less busy in the Spring and Summer), I will be transitioning all material from the TVOV, and Parker and Luca, pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to their new home on each site: “Six Lakes Comics,” where they will be joined by Planning Periods, Geo, Tales of Human Nature, and other future comics and graphic novels.

Matt the Comic by Matt will be exempt from this, however. Due to it’s autobiographical nature, I’d prefer to keep it separate.

This transition is not happening yet, so be sure to check out the current pages for new content!

Thanks for reading!


EDIT from earlier (now deleted) version of this post: Parker and Luca will stay separate on Instagram and Facebook. They’ve already garned 29 followers on IG, and the IG account is through Facebook.

Update: February 8th, 2022

Hello everyone!

I would like to start off by apologizing for my absence(s). Winter quarter came off to a rough start, and one of my classes is pretty tough, so bear with me as I finish the quarter. I will try to update the TVOV, Parker and Luca, and Matt the Comic by Matt as much as I can over February and March. However, no books will be updated during this time. So, The Waterfall is back on hiatus, Voldensfjordian Murders and Blurred Lines remain on hiatus, and other books I have planned will be pushed back a little.

However, I don’t want this post to be all negativity so:

  • I got a tattoo on New Year’s Eve (Picture below), and finally started stretching my ears
  • I’m (almost) finished training at work
  • One of my professors offered me a chance to do independent study this fall
  • The weather’s warming up
Rainbow Infinity: Gay and Neurodivergent. Special thanks to Spidermonkey Tattoo in Olympia, Washington!

Anyway, as we all finish out the season, I hope you’re all doing well!

Thank you for reading!
